Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Hate?

I know there are a great many people out there who think they “hate” someone or some thing. I wonder if they really understand what it means to “hate”?

First of all, let's see what Webster has to say the work “hate” means:

Firstly, it is either used as a noun or verb.

Then the meaning of the word.

a. An intense hostility usually deriving from fear, anger or a sense of injury.
b. Extreme dislike or antipathy: Loathing

So, let's take the first set of definitions: Intense hostility usually deriving from fear, anger or a sense of injury. That sense of injury is another thing all together.

I personally feel that all hatred stems from fear and jealously.

Case in point. I have noticed that many young women and girls who are attracted to the actor Robert Pattinson, say they “hate” Kristen Stewart. Why is that? Could it be she has something they don't. Namely Robert Pattinson?

What has Ms Stewart done them those girls and women? Nothing. But they are jealous of the relationship between Pattinson and Stewart. Therefore they say they “hate” Ms Stewart. There is certainly nothing to fear from Ms Stewart; she has done nothing to any of these girls except remove from circulation a certain young man.

Perhaps these self same young women and girls should learn to call what they feel towards Ms Stewart what it really is, “jealously” pure and simple.

To claim hatred of a bit of over kill.

People today do not understand their own language. They don't seem to teach looking words up in the dictionary anymore, and mores the pity for that. There are so many incorrect word usages today it makes me shutter.

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