Monday, January 17, 2011

Like many people, I LOVE movies. As a result I "follow" many actors.

So when I confessed my addiction to The Twilight Saga to my daughter, she was totally dismayed.

Now I'm not obsessed as much these days with individual actors as I have become to a pair of them that are currently the leads in The Twilight Saga.

Now, before you go into a tail spin, please hear me out. As far as my knowledge of these youngsters ( and I can call them that because I am decidedly not, a youngster ) was very limited. Of the pair, I vaguely remember Robert Pattinson and that was from the Harry Potter Series - of course. I thought him "cute". I still think of him as only "cute"

It wasn't until The Twilight Saga I became aware of Kristen Stewart. Thus far, I feel Kristen has demonstrated great acting skills, though she doesn't have much presence in interviews - needs to learn better ways of speaking.

I haven't seen too much else done by Robert other than Remember Me - which I felt mediocre and Little Ashes, which was just bad, and those two only after I saw him in Twilight. So I have begun to watch for movies in which these two "youngsters" have been a part of.

Separately - IMHO - they or OK, but together, OMG. These two act as though they are "in love". They have wonderful chemistry and I want MORE, and I want to believe it's real!! They make this ole woman feel alive again in the romance department.

The only other acting pair I remember having such an impact on me was Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton - though IMHO neither of that pair could act.

I wish both Kristen and Robert great success individually as well as romantically and I hope they can do it together.

It's been my personal hope that the two would see fit to actually get married while making New Dawn.

That would be great advertising for the series, but do understand their reluctance for not wanting their personal lives made public knowledge. Sorry you two, but you've more or less become public property by your rolls. You'll just have to bare with us. I find myself at 70 scanning the net for new photos or sightings of this couple, other than those that involve the Twilight Saga - of course I search for those too.

Well all for this, for today. Any thoughts?

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